EMDR - Nicolette Re, LCSW, CBT, SEP


Every day is the same struggle.

The alarm goes off, and you’re immediately greeted by that familiar feeling of ‘meh.’ There are shades of anxiety in there, but the predominant feeling is disinterest, like you don’t see a point in anything.

Life wasn’t always this way, and you dream of going back to the way things were. Before sheltering in place, and mask mandates, and the world was put on hold.

You’re doing all the same things you did before, but something has changed. For some reason, you don’t feel safe in the world, and you’re unsure why.

You can’t help but compare yourself to others.

Everyone else seems to be doing fine readjusting to this new normal.

And you’re scared to tell anyone how you’re struggling because you don’t want to appear weak or inadequate.

So you hide your feelings, which just causes more stress and isolation. It’s so lonely to live this way, and don’t see any alternative.

But you are not alone.

Many folks are experiencing the exact same thing that you are.

It’s been a common refrain among people worldwide that they don’t feel as safe as they did before the pandemic.

A traumatic stressor can absolutely change how you view the world, so what you’re going through makes complete sense.

There is hope for a better future.

If you’re struggling to open up or tell your story, Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR) can be a great option.

Unlike talk therapy, where you discuss your struggles, EMDR can help you “look under the lid” to see what’s there without consciously thinking about it or even speaking it out loud.

Research shows that 90% of single trauma victims no longer have PTSD symptoms after just six EMDR sessions. (Though chronic and complex traumas may take longer.)

How it works.

Treatment involves eight phases (made up of three stages) that reduce distress around unpleasant experiences and give you a new perspective and understanding.

In the safety of the therapeutic space, you’ll focus on memories, negative beliefs, and emotions while simultaneously completing a series of eye movements or bilateral tapping.

You may encounter unpleasant images, sensations, or emotions during this process, but you are always in complete control. Just raise your hand to immediately pause the session.

It’s time to take action.

Don’t let the pandemic or any traumatic stressor continue to impact your feelings about yourself, your relationships, or your life.

There is no need for you to continue struggling with this alone. I can help.

Reach out now to schedule your free consultation, and let’s get started today!